
Ryan Dunn Killed Due to steer While Drunk

After surprising many Jackass fans with a sudden death, ultimately causing the death of Ryan Dunn is already known. Car accident that killed the pop star, because Dunn was speeding while drunk.

From the autopsy report, Ryan's blood-alcohol levels even twice exceed the normal allowable limit. Rules in Pennsylvania set a limit on alcohol content of 0.8, while the levels of alcohol in the body known Ryan for 1.96.

34-year-old star, with a friend, was killed at the crime scene on Monday (20 / 6) when the Porsche 911 which disetirnya off the track, crashed into guardrail road, a tree, and exploded.

"There is no other content found in their blood than alcohol," the report the authorities.

Police estimate the car driven by Dunn drove at speeds 132-140 mph before finally crashing. Dunn and the passenger, identified as Zachary D Hartwell, confirmed dead in place because of pressure and heat trauma.

Only a few hours before his death, Dunn had time to post the pictures that were drinking at Barnaby, a bar in Pennsylvania. A bar employee estimates Dunn drink three bottles of beer and three glasses of liquor before going to another. In 2005, Dunn also was arrested after crashing the BMW for driving while intoxicated. (spl / mae)

Ryan Dunn Killed Due to steer While Drunk

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